Game Design

 Game Design

What is a game

Do you want to be a game designer?

There are many definitions of what a game is, the question 'What is a game?' is up for interpretation as the actual definition is rather ambiguous. Many people will have different views and ideas as to what a game is. In my own words a game is a set of rules that are in place in order to achieve a desired end goal for ones amusement or pleasure. Games can be as simple as kicking a ball to your friend, the aim is to kick it to them, the rule is that you can only use your feet, and the obstacle is in actual fact yourself and the ball. You've to try direct it toward your friend and that is the challenge, the more you do it the better you might get like every game I would imagine. 

So what must be in a game in order for it to be one? Here is a list of some of the things that must be in place in order to help a game to be an acceptable and enjoyable one.
  • Have rules
  • Have conflict
  • Have goals 
  • Involve decision making
  • Voluntary 
  • Can have an uncertain outcome
  • Have systems

Game Ideation 

Game ideation is the creative process that is involved when it comes to creating a game. Coming up with an idea for a game might sound easy but inventing  an acceptable and likable one is more of a challenge. There is a whole process that comes with game design and that begins with inspiration. A common origin of inspiration comes from actually playing other games, watching television shows and movies and also reading but you can find inspiration in many everyday life situations. Designers everyday are faced with the challenge to expand their thoughts and open their minds to new ideas, this can lead to a faster more efficient process and also bring about more quality in the ideas. 

There are some formal techniques used to generate game ideas which include
  • Brainstorming 
  • Mind Mapping
  • Sticky Notes 
  • Six Thinking Hats
Other designers have described their techniques used before the brainstorming and mind mapping stage and they are as simple as browsing through Wikipedia or looking at a photo for inspiration. Another important step in the process is to prototype in order to create more ideas and not only test existing ones.  For your creative process to work you have to be familiar with different brainstorming techniques this is why a lot of designers turn to a more colloquial process and use their personal experiences to generate ideas.

Here are some links you might find interesting and can help you with making your first game! Please check them out!


  1. Hi Aaron, I enjoyed reading your blog on game design, You used a good tactic to display your understanding of what a game is. Its cool to learn about games but more in depth, we play games but never really wonder how a game is properly constructed in order for it to function. Your blog shows good understanding of game design and the definition of a game.

  2. Hi Aaron, I really enjoyed reading your game design blog you have put a lot of thought and effort into developing your ideas. I can't wait to see what you are able to create over the module.


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