Games MDA

 Games MDA

In this reading I learned about the MDA framework. MDA ( Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics) is a formal way to understanding games. It is believed that this technique can clarify and strengthen the iterative process making it easier for all developers to break down, study and design a vast class of game designs and game artifacts. Game artifacts are constructed using design methodology. This can include creating a physical prototype, architecting a software interface, or carrying out controlled experiments. The design methodology is in place to guide the creative process in order to insure the highest quality of design. 

Games are consumed in a different way to books, movies or music. The MDA framework formalizes the consumption of games by separating them into their distinct components: 
  1. Rules
  2. Systems      
  3. "Fun"
and the establishing there design counterparts: 
  1. Mechanics 
  2. Dynamics 
  3. Aesthetics 
Games are more like artifacts than media, which means the content of the game is how it actually behaves. Thinking about games in this way can help form them into systems that build behavior via interaction. Knowing this can lead to clearer design choices and analysis at all levels of development. 


The aesthetics of a game aids to what makes a game fun. In order to analyze the aesthetics of a game we have to move our vocabulary towards a more directive and descriptive route. When we use words like Fantasy, Discovery, Challenge and Sensation to describe a game we can easier find out what genre the game is and what type of fun it is. All games will contain multiple game aesthetics but discovering and defining them can help in the development of your game. You'll be able to figure out what type of fun your game is and why people want to play it. Knowing why people want to play a certain type of game can only help with the design and development process when it comes to game design. 


The dynamics of a game are simple an effort to increase the overall aesthetic experience of the game. The dynamics are what makes the game competitive by creating a challenge whether it be working against a timer or else playing against other players. These dynamics are what makes the players be expressive and more involved in the game. By developing models that predict and describe gameplay dynamics, we can avoid common design errors. 


Mechanics are the different actions, behaviors and control mechanisms given to the player within a game context. In a combination with the games content the mechanics support overall gameplay dynamics. Adjusting a games mechanics helps us tweak the games overall dynamics. 

Game MDA

Using this MDA framework we can study and research about aesthetic goals, draw out dynamics that support your goals and then find the range of our mechanics accordingly. By touching on these three levels of abstraction, we can develop a thought on the dynamic behavior of game systems.
Understanding games as dynamic systems helps us establish techniques for iterative design and improvement. This will allow us to control unwanted outcomes and tune for desired behavior. Understanding how formal decisions about gameplay can impact the final user experience can help us to better deconstruct the user experience and use it to establish new designs, research and criticism. 

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"Game MDA"



  1. Hey, Aaron!
    Here I am againg hihihi
    I don't know about you but when I first read about MDA I was so very confused ~sad laugh, just in the last few days/weeks (I'm also lost in time, is it November or September?) I got to finally understand it all and well.. it does make sense after all hahahah
    Lívia Alencar


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