Growth Mindset
The Growth Mindset
I have never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before but as I have grown over the last few years I naturally began to change my mindset to a less fixed one. I knew to have a fixed was a bad thing and that you can't grow and develop to your full potential if you have one. Growing begins outside of the comfort zone and that is exactly where I put myself when I came to TUD. I was unsure what career path I wanted like to choose and deciding on one thing always felt very daunting to me. I knew that this course had a broad list of modules, many that I found interesting so I jumped straight into the deep and and decided to go to college. I know for a fact I have developed a growth mindset over the last few years and beginning this course is the perfect example. I was nervous about starting something completely new and out of my comfort zone but the attitude I had about it from the start was that if I really didn't like the course at least I would have figured out that it was something I didn't want to do and to me that would've been a step forward. I feel now that by taking the risk to try something new I have been rewarded as I found something that I truly love as well as a whole list of new experiences.
As my journey in TUD continues I am looking forward to putting this positive mindset I have developed to work and come out with an end result I am happy with. This year I aspire to significantly increase my skills in web design/development and visual design as they are two subjects I feel passionate about and I know that becoming great at these is not easy! I'd definitely be interested in learning more about the growth mindset throughout this year.
Below I have put a poster on how you can change your mindset with just words... seems crazy but I believe it works!
Growth Mindset |
Image Source: "Growth Mindset" -
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