Unity Tutorial 01

My First Unity Tutorial 

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What I learned

During my first Unity tutorial I learned many new techniques on how to make my first game project. I began by first getting myself familiar with the tools that enable you to move around your workspace as well as some keyboard shortcuts which in the long run will help me to create efficient games at a fast pace. The next step was to organize my workspace to one I felt comfortable with, I did this by moving and resizing windows in order to fit my needs. I then studied how to directly drag a vehicle and some obstacles into a scene. After adding my vehicle and obstacles I then found out how to reposition the obstacles around the scene. This allowed me to add a vehicle and wooden boxes spread along the road in the scene of my game. It's important that the person playing the game has the perfect view of the scene while playing otherwise this would make the game design unacceptable so in order to perfect this I figured out how to reposition the main camera and viewed it through the game camera until I had it at the perfect game playing view. 

In the next lesson I gained knowledge on how to get my vehicle to move down the road at a constant speed I did this by creating my first C# script which controls the vehicles movement. I began by making a folder named 'script' and and inside this folder making another one called 'PlayerController'. After familiarizing myself with the development environment  I started to do my first lines of code. I used a Vector3 in order to get my vehicle to move forward and adjust the speed it moves at. In order to get my objects to be realistic and move I used a RigidBody Component to add physics. Now that my obstacle was complete and ready to use I duplicated the boxes all along the road to make many new and quick obstacles. 

When it came to lesson 1.3 I had experienced some technical difficulties which stunted my progress in this lesson. I decided to improvise and move through the lesson videos taking notes as if I were using unity. I plan to return to this lesson after downloading a newer version of the software and hopefully I will not face any of the dilemma's I have encountered this time around!

What I Enjoyed About the Lesson

During the making of my first game project I mostly enjoyed learning new skills and concepts for creating a game. These new skills I have attained will help improve the development of future games I will be making. It was a great opportunity to be able to expand my knowledge in this department with skills ranging from adding objects to a scene, getting familiar to the workspace, making your vehicle move down the road and adding mass to your objects so that when you hit them they get thrown out of the way.  

There was also a great quantity of concepts I learned including 
  • C# Scripts
  • Comments
  • Methods
  • Pass parameters 
  • Time.deltaTime
  • Multiply (*) operator
  • Components 
  • Collider and RigidBody

Image Source- https://bit.ly/3jVOovX


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