Reading 03

 Reading 03

I began my research by searching "Marketing in Video Games" into Google scholarly. This gave me a huge number of results with there being 620,000 results. I scrolled through different sources trying to find one relevant to my topic and one that I found interesting. I decided to refine my search even more by proceeding to Google Scholar's advanced search where I made my search more specific. I searched    " Video games, Marketing, Sales and Advertising". This then gave me 100,000 results that seemed more focused to my topic. 
I created a word document for taking notes, writing questions, and making record of things I am not familiar with. Using the three-pass method I began to read through the sources I have found.
This is first paper I have found that takes my fancy. It is called "Advertising in Computer Games". After reading the Abstract of this paper and skimming through the heading and subheadings I do believe this paper will be of great value to me and is a reading I will certainly use. To summarize what I know already about this reading is that it is about advertising in video games. The reading also offers recommendations on the advantages of in game advertisement.  
In this reading the writer talks about advertising in video games. They suggest that all advertisers should take the risk and begin to advertise in video games. Every year video games are becoming more popular, and in every way. Females add for one third of gamers while the general age of gamers is rapidly increasing. Video game are no longer just for young boys. 
Inside the paper the writer analysis all the information and statistics available. There is no denying the increased popularity of video games which is why the author is pushing advertisers to jump on board. They acknowledge the difficulty of winning people over in advertisements, and how you might approach it in video games. I can relate to this as from my perspective I understand that ads can feel annoying and intrusive, especially when they are interrupting your favorite TV show or video game. People play video games to escape from the real world. The last thing they want is to be interrupted by an advertisement of some sort. It could ruin peoples escape to their alternate realties. The author wrote this piece in order to organize and aid to people’s knowledge of advertising in video games and the best way to approach it. 
They look at it from a business perspective and conclude that it is worth investors time and money to advertise in games due to its increasingly popular demand. With there being limited research into this kind of investment the writer suggests the only way to find out more on the matter is to experiment with new things, make mistakes and then learn from them. I am certain I will return to this source throughout this module to familiarize myself with some ideas and information. 
The next paper I read was "content analysis of advertising in popular video games".
This study was written to add information to the topic of advertising in video games. The piece begins by explaining the history of brand placement. It then goes off to talk about brand placement and introduces us to the different types. For example, television, songs, and books. After discussing brand placement in alternative medias, they then go onto explain brand placement in video games. Many advertisers are moving away from TV towards advertising in video games. 
 In a short summary, the writer is basically promoting and demanding the ongoing study of advertisement in video games. This paper analysis all the available information in order to conclude the best way to advertise in a video game. They examine the effect in game advertisement has, in order to fill the gap in the literature. The author does this by examining advertainment in the most popular games and game consoles. The author values this study and believes it will prove vital to advertisers in the video game industry. Throughout this thesis he discusses the difficulties he faced while completing the content analysis. They talk about the different procedure taken throughout the study. They compare of differences and similarities of advertising inside the most popular gaming consoles and come up with many statistics which include how many advertisements are in each of the most popular consoles. 
I am sure I will return to the two sources I have written about and I also have a number of other links (below) which I will be returning to and reading as I believe some of them could prove valuable to me. Honestly, I found it challenging to read through and analyze these papers. Often, I found myself having to read over some pages two or three times in order to really grasp what it was saying. As a result of that I spent a lot of time reading and I have only been capable of completing and analyzing two papers.  This is something I wish to improve on in the future. I am confident the more I read and analyze pieces of this the better I will get! 

Advertising in Video Games

Image Source

Sources still to read 



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