Reading 05

 Reading Week 05

For this week's reading task I have continued to search for new peer reviewed work using Google's Scholar. I have to say this week I have found it a lot more difficult to find new sources and readings. A good majority of the papers I find are ones that you must pay for to read. I feel like I would have considerably more quality research if this was not the case. I tried changing some of the words in my advanced search. I also experimented with changing whether the specific words I was searching by changing whether I wanted them in the title or else another part of the paper. I seemed to read through a lot of different readings and feel less confident about whether they would be purposeful to me.  

The first piece I read was a thesis named "Market Development of Video Games". 

From reading the title and contents I knew that this piece of reading would could contain valuable information for my piece in the book. There was a number of topics within this reading that I could use for my writing piece. Inside their thesis, Pu Jan analyses the markets and marketing of the video game industry. The study mainly focuses on the growth of console game markets and marketing. The author also created a "Three Parties" concept in order to aid to analyzing the relationship between console manufacturers and software developers. This study took place to show what role each party in the gaming industry  is acting in. 

Throughout the reading the author discuses how much video game markets have grown over the past years. There are figures shown comparing the sales of different entertainment industries that prove the video game industry is the joint largest global entertainment industry along with the music industry. The author believes that the only ways to survive this rapidly growing market is to constantly chase and be in search for new markets, and market opportunity.  Although only finding this one piece of research this week I do believe that there is quality information inside this thesis that could cover a few topics in my piece of writing for the book.

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